Thomas trained as an actor at the internationally renowned drama school the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. His first job upon graduation, was a small part in the HBO hit series Band of Brothers. Since then he has appeared in numerous films, TV- series and stage productions primarily in Denmark, but also abroad. In the summer 2017 Thomas performed at the The Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford upon Avon. In 2008 Thomas won Aarets Reumert (The Danish equivalent of The Tony or The Olivier Award) with long time friend and colleague Lars Mikkelsen, for their Shakespeare show Muse of Fire. In 2010 the were once again nominated for the award, with their production of Shakespeare's Twelth Night. Thomas also plays second male lead in the independent feature Secluded, which premiered in 2016 and came in second in the "best feature" category at Cinequest 2017.. Recent credits include parts in the Danish drama series The Legacy II, The Bridge III and the new Nordic Noir series Follow the Money. Thomas had his debut as director in the short Opposite a Track, produced by 3 time Academy Award winner M&M Productions; a film in which he also played the lead. |